Thursday, March 31, 2011

Domain Name

A domain name is an identification label that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority, or control in the Internet. Domain names are also host names that identify Internet Protocol (IP) resources such as web sites. Domain names are formed by the rules and procedures of the Domain Name System (DNS).
Domain names are used in various networking contexts and application-specific naming and addressing purposes. They are organized in subordinate levels (subdomains) of the DNS root domain, which is nameless. The first-level set of domain names are the top-level domains (TLDs), including the generic top-level domains (gTLDs), such as the prominent domains com,net and org, and the country code top-level domains (ccTLDs). Below these top-level domains in the DNS hierarchy are the second-level and third-level domain names that are typically open for reservation by end-users that wish to connect local area networks to the Internet, run web sites, or create other publicly accessible Internet resources. The registration of these domain names is usually administered by domain name registrars who sell their services to the public.
Individual Internet host computers use domain names as host identifiers, or hostnames. Hostnames are the leaf labels in the domain name system usually without further subordinate domain name space. Hostnames appear as a component in Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) for Internet resources such as web sites (e.g.
Domain names are also used as simple identification labels to indicate ownership or control of a resource. Such examples are the realm identifiers used in the Session Initiation Protocol(SIP), the DomainKeys used to verify DNS domains in e-mail systems, and in many other Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs).
An important purpose of domain names is to provide easily recognizable and memorizable names to numerically addressed Internet resources. This abstraction allows any resource (e.g., website) to be moved to a different physical location in the address topology of the network, globally or locally in an intranet. Such a move usually requires changing the IP address of a resource and the corresponding translation of this IP address to and from its domain name.
Domain names are often referred to simply as domains and domain name registrants are frequently referred to as domain owners, although domain name registration with a registrar does not confer any legal ownership of the domain name, only an exclusive right of use.
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) manages the top-level development and architecture of the Internet domain name space. It authorizes domain name registrars, through which domain names may be registered and reassigned. The use of domain names in commerce may subject strings in them totrademark law. In 2010, the number of active domains reached 196 million.

A Record

A mail exchanger record (MX record) is a type of resource record in the Domain Name System that specifies a mail server responsible for accepting email messages on behalf of a recipient's domain and a preference value used to prioritize mail delivery if multiple mail servers are available. The set of MX records of a domain name specifies how email should be routed with the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.


Resource records are the basic information elements of the Domain Name System (DNS). They are distinguished by a type identification (A, MX, NS, etc.) and the DNS class (Internet, CHAOS, etc.), and have a validity period (time-to-live) assigned after which the information must be refreshed from an authoritative name server. Resource records are organized within the DNS based to their name field, which is a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of a node in the DNS tree. In the case of an MX record, this specifies the domain name of a mail recipient's email address, i.e. the portion after the @ symbol that delimits the recipient's account name.
The characteristic payload information of an MX record is the fully qualified domain name of a mail host and a preference value. The host name must map directly to one or more address record (A, or AAAA) in the DNS, and must not point to any CNAME records.
When an e-mail message is sent through the Internet, the sending mail transfer agent queries the Domain Name System for MX records of each recipient's domain name. This query returns a list of host names of mail exchange servers accepting incoming mail for that domain and their preferences. The sending agent then attempts to establish an SMTP connection to one of these servers, starting with the one with the smallest preference number, delivering the message to the first server with which a connection can be made. If no MX records were present, the server falls back to A, that is to say, it makes a request for the A record of the same domain.
The MX mechanism provides the ability to run multiple mail servers for a single domain, and allows administrators to specify an order in which they should be tried. This ability to run multiple mail servers proves very valuable for high-availability clusters of inexpensive mail gateways, which can then process hundreds of messages per second in aggregate to quarantine or remove spam and/or viruses.
The MX mechanism does not grant the ability to provide mail service on alternative port numbers, nor does it provide the ability to distribute mail delivery across a set of unequal-priority mail servers by assigning a weighting value to each one. MX can be used to distribute delivery across equal-priority mail servers.


According to RFC 5321, the lowest-numbered records are the most preferred. This phrasing can be confusing, and so the preference number is sometimes referred to as thedistance: smaller distances are more preferable. An older RFC, RFC 974, indicates that when the preference numbers are the same for two servers, they have the same priority, hence those two terms are used interchangeably.

The basics

The relative priority of an MX server is determined by the preference number present in the DNS MX record of the recipient's domain. When a remote client (typically another mail server) does an MX lookup for the domain name, it gets a list of servers and their preference numbers. The smallest preference number has the highest priority and any server with the smallest preference number must be tried first. To provide reliable mail transmission, the SMTP client must be able to try (and retry) each of the relevant addresses in this list in order, until a delivery attempt succeeds. If there is more than one MX record with the same preference number, all of those must be tried before moving on to lower-priority entries.

Load distribution among an array of mail servers

One technique used to distribute the load of incoming mail over an array of servers is to return the same preference number for each server in the set. When determining which server of equal preference to send mail to, "the sender-SMTP MUST randomize them to spread the load across multiple mail exchangers for a specific organization", unless there is a clear reason to favor one. Note that multihomed servers are treated differently, since in this case any randomization is assumed to have been applied already by the name server. This technique mainly addresses routing problems; other types of server load can be addressed by using an SMTP proxy.
The other alternative mentioned in the RFC is to use what appears to be a multihomed A record for a mail server. It may in fact be an array of mail servers that share the same host name. This method places the burden on the DNS system rather than the SMTP-sender to perform the load balancing, which in this case will present a list of IP addresses in a specific order to the clients querying the A record of the mail exchanger. Since the RFC requires that the SMTP-sender use the order given in the A record query, the DNS server is free to carefully manipulate its balancing based on any method, including round robin DNS, mail server load, or some undisclosed priority scheme.

The backup MX

target server, i.e. one that knows how to deliver to the relevant user's e-mail mailbox is typically one which is the most preferred. Lower priority servers, a.k.a. backup MX or secondary MX, usually keep the messages in a queue waiting for the primary server to become available. If both servers are online or in some way connected to one another, the backup MX will typically queue a message briefly and immediately forward it to the primary MX. The backup MX acts as a store-and-forward mail server.

Why have priority?

A common misconception about the MX preference ordering is that it is intended to increase the likelihood that mail may be delivered; however, merely having multiple MX records with the same preference provides this benefit (see below). Because the MX preference ordering specifies that some servers should be tried first, it is, if anything, a means of establishing load imbalance. Another common misinterpretation of MX preference ordering is that it is intended to provide a means of "failover" in the case of server overload. While it can be used that way, it is a poor resource management technique because it intentionally creates overload and does not fully utilize the available hardware. Assigning the same preference value to all of the available servers provides the same benefit and may even help avoid overload situations and thereby increase system throughput by decreasing latency.
The SMTP protocol establishes a store-and-forward network, and if a domain's mail servers are all offline, sending servers are required to queue messages destined for that domain to retry later. However, these sending servers have no way of being notified that a previously offline domain's servers are now available. The sending servers will only discover that the domain is available whenever delivery of the delayed messages is next attempted. The delay between when a domain's servers come online and when delayed messages are finally delivered can be anywhere from minutes to days, depending on the retry schedule of the sending servers. This is the problem that backup MX records are uniquely qualified to solve. The idea is that the servers listed as secondary MX servers have some out-of-band way of knowing when the primary servers are back online. Thus, they are a more useful place to queue messages when the primary servers are offline than the original sender's queue.
The question then becomes: if the secondary servers are still online, why not give them the same priority as the rest of the domain's MX records? Secondary servers are ones that, for whatever reason, cannot or should not be used normally, but that can be used if the primary servers are offline. Reasons for them to not be used normally can vary widely, but here are some examples:
  • the backup server is owned by a different company or organization
  • the backup server does not have direct access to the primary mail storage
  • the backup server cannot determine valid recipient addresses
  • the backup server's Internet bandwidth costs more
  • the backup server has significantly less Internet bandwidth
  • the backup server has a high-latency Internet connection


A favorite technique of spammers is to connect to the backup (high distance) MX servers for a domain first in order to avoid any anti-spam filters that may be running on the primary (lowest distance/highest preference) MX. Backup MX servers often have different anti-spam techniques, and using them can hide the spammer's IP address from the primary MX servers. This behavior can be used against spammers by using bogus high-distance MX servers. Alternately, sometimes spammers only target the lowest-distance MX records for domains, and do not fall back to higher-distance MX records when the lowest-distance MX records are unreachable. This behavior can also be used against spammers, using a technique called nolisting

The preference debate

The SMTP RFC is ambiguous about exactly what kinds of delivery failure must result in re-attempting delivery via more distant MX records (those with higher preference values).
For example, sometimes servers indicate temporary failures, either by explicitly sending a 4xx error or by ending the connection unexpectedly (which must be treated as a 451 error, according to Section 3.8 of the RFC). If there is a temporary failure, should a more distant MX record be attempted, or should the server wait and retry later? According to Section
The sender MUST delay retrying a particular destination after one
attempt has failed.
But when the sender retries later, the RFC is silent about whether the sender should retry the same server that gave the previous temporary error or a more distant MX record. It does say, in Section 5.1:
When the lookup succeeds, the mapping can result in a list of
alternative delivery addresses rather than a single address, because
of multiple MX records, multihoming, or both. To provide reliable
each of the relevant addresses in this list in order, until a
mail transmission, the SMTP client MUST be able to try (and retry)

very attempt succeeds.
It is not specific about what should cause the sender to use a higher-preference MX record, merely that the sender must be able to use higher-preference MX records. Some servers (such as Sendmail and Postfix 2.1 or later) will attempt the next-furthest MX server after some types of temporary delivery failures, such as greeting failures. Other servers (such as qmail and Postfix 2.0 or earlier) will only use more distant MX records if the servers specified in the shortest-distance MX records could not be contacted at all.
Both behaviors are valid, since the RFC is not specific. Re-attempting with more distant MX records makes a lot of sense if the primary MX's failure is considered non-authoritative; that is, if there is an expectation that the message may yet be delivered by the backup MX servers. This is often phrased as "if the alternative is giving up and not delivering the mail, why not try the higher-preference MXs?" However, if the primary MX's failure is considered authoritative (i.e. it is the primary server for a non-arbitrary reason), attempting to deliver to secondary MX servers is not only a waste of time but potentially a waste of expensive resources, depending on the reason why the secondary servers have higher preference values.
The different MX-handling behaviors of email servers (MTAs) often comes up in discussions of nolisting and similar anti-spam strategies that rely on manipulating the MX order and exercising MTA failure handling mechanisms.
Regardless of how one interprets the RFCs there is an advantage to choosing to deliver to higher numbered MX records when receiving a 4xx error from a primary mail server. If the primary server is overloaded or experiencing some other temporary failure the backup server can accept the email and process it. This means the email is delivered faster than waiting to retry the primary server until it recovers. Some front end spam filtering services apply gray listing techniques on only the primary server to discourage spam bot email. Sending servers that retry the higher MX records will be able to deliver their outgoing mail immediately, while servers like qmail will be delayed typically for an hour till the primary server allows it. So servers that retry higher numbered MX records gain a performance advantage.


RFC 821 came out in 1982. It makes only passing references to DNS, because at the time the transition from HOSTS.TXT to the DNS had not yet started. RFC 883, the first description of the DNS, came out over a year later in late 1983. It described the experimental and little used MD and MF records. According to RFC 897 and RFC 921, the transition to DNS started in 1983, but HOSTS.TXT wasn't scheduled to go away until the end of 1985 and wasn't totally phased out until the late 1990s.
In January 1986, RFC 973 and RFC 974 deprecated the MD and MF records, replaced them with MX, and defined the MX lookup with fallback to A. RFC 974 recommends that clients do a WKS lookup on each MX host to see if it actually supports SMTP and discard the MX entry if it doesn't. However, RFC 1123 changed this to say that WKS should not be checked.
This means that SMTP had been in use for at least a year using HOSTS.TXT, and then another couple of years using A, MD, and MF, before MX came along. MD and MF were hard to use, so most people just used the A record. Under the circumstances, MX without fallback to A wouldn't have worked because of the substantial installed base of mail servers using A records. The early use of MX was to identify gateways to other networks, but it didn't come into wide use until the DNS was well established in the early 1990s.
RFC 5321 sec. 5 now clearly states that:
  1. SMTP clients must look up for an MX record;
  2. if no MX record for domain is present, look up for an A Resource Record (RR), and if such record is present, treat it as an MX record;
  3. if an MX record is present, clients MUST NOT use an A RR.

CNAME Record

A CNAME record or Canonical Name record is a type of resource record in the Domain Name System (DNS) that specifies that the domain name is an alias of another, canonical domain name. This helps when running multiple services (like an FTP and a webserver; each running on different ports) from a single IP address. Each service can then have its own entry in DNS (like and Network administrators also use CNAMEs when running multiple HTTP servers on the same port, with different names, on the same physical host.


CNAME records are specified in RFC 1034. CNAME records are handled specially in the domain name system, and have several restrictions on their use. When a DNS resolver encounters a CNAME record while looking for a regular resource record, it will restart the query using the canonical name instead of the original name. (If the resolver is specifically told to look for CNAME records, the CNAME alias is returned, rather than restarting the query.) The canonical name that a CNAME record points to can be anywhere in the DNS, whether local or on a remote server in a different DNS zone.
For example, if there is a DNS zone as follows: CNAME A
When an A record lookup for is done, the resolver will see a CNAME record and restart the checking at and will then return

Which is the "CNAME"?

RFC 2181, "Clarifications to the DNS Specification", includes a warning on the use of the word "CNAME". "The CNAME" or "a CNAME" is often used to refer to the label, or left-hand part, of a CNAME record. However, as "CNAME" is an abbreviation of "canonical name", this usage is inaccurate; the label is an alias for the right-hand side (the RDATA portion), whichis (or should be) a canonical name.[1] In other words, a CNAME record like this:        CNAME
may be read as: is an alias for the canonical name (CNAME)
The canonical name itself must be defined by a record other than a CNAME or DNAME record.


  • An alias defined in a CNAME record must have no other resource records of other types (MX, A, etc.). (RFC 1034 section 3.6.2, RFC 1912 section 2.4) The exception is when DNSSEC is being used, in which case there can be DNSSEC related records such as RRSIG, NSEC, etc. (RFC 2181 section 10.1)
  • CNAME records that point to other CNAME records should be avoided (RFC 1034 section 5.2.2). In particular, it is possible to create infinite loops with CNAME records, and other error conditions, as: CNAME CNAME
  • Other DNS record types, such as NS, MX, PTR, SRV, etc. that point to other names should never point to a CNAME alias. (RFC 1034 section 3.6.2, RFC 1912 section 2.4) So, for example, a zone should not contain constructs such as: MX 0 CNAME A

CNAME Record

A CNAME record or Canonical Name record is a type of resource record in the Domain Name System (DNS) that specifies that the domain name is an alias of another, canonical domain name. This helps when running multiple services (like an FTP and a webserver; each running on different ports) from a single IP address. Each service can then have its own entry in DNS (like and Network administrators also use CNAMEs when running multiple HTTP servers on the same port, with different names, on the same physical host.


CNAME records are specified in RFC 1034. CNAME records are handled specially in the domain name system, and have several restrictions on their use. When a DNS resolver encounters a CNAME record while looking for a regular resource record, it will restart the query using the canonical name instead of the original name. (If the resolver is specifically told to look for CNAME records, the CNAME alias is returned, rather than restarting the query.) The canonical name that a CNAME record points to can be anywhere in the DNS, whether local or on a remote server in a different DNS zone.
For example, if there is a DNS zone as follows: CNAME A
When an A record lookup for is done, the resolver will see a CNAME record and restart the checking at and will then return

Which is the "CNAME"?

RFC 2181, "Clarifications to the DNS Specification", includes a warning on the use of the word "CNAME". "The CNAME" or "a CNAME" is often used to refer to the label, or left-hand part, of a CNAME record. However, as "CNAME" is an abbreviation of "canonical name", this usage is inaccurate; the label is an alias for the right-hand side (the RDATA portion), whichis (or should be) a canonical name.[1] In other words, a CNAME record like this:        CNAME
may be read as: is an alias for the canonical name (CNAME)
The canonical name itself must be defined by a record other than a CNAME or DNAME record.


  • An alias defined in a CNAME record must have no other resource records of other types (MX, A, etc.). (RFC 1034 section 3.6.2, RFC 1912 section 2.4) The exception is when DNSSEC is being used, in which case there can be DNSSEC related records such as RRSIG, NSEC, etc. (RFC 2181 section 10.1)
  • CNAME records that point to other CNAME records should be avoided (RFC 1034 section 5.2.2). In particular, it is possible to create infinite loops with CNAME records, and other error conditions, as: CNAME CNAME
  • Other DNS record types, such as NS, MX, PTR, SRV, etc. that point to other names should never point to a CNAME alias. (RFC 1034 section 3.6.2, RFC 1912 section 2.4) So, for example, a zone should not contain constructs such as: MX 0 CNAME A

Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda (January 12, 1863–July 4, 1902), born Narendranath Dutta was the chief disciple of the 19th century mystic Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and the founder of Ramakrishna Mission. He is considered a key figure in the introduction of Hindu philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga in Europe and America and is also credited with raising interfaith awareness, bringing Hinduism to the status of a major world religion during the end of the 19th century. Vivekananda is considered to be a major force in the revival of Hinduism in modern India. He is perhaps best known for his inspiring speech beginning with "Sisters and Brothers of America", through which he introduced Hinduism at the Parliament of the World's Religions at Chicago in 1893. Swami Vivekananda was born in an aristocratic Bengali family of Calcutta in 1863. Swami's parents influenced his thinking—the father by his rational mind and the mother by her religious temperament. From his childhood, he showed inclination towards spirituality and God realization. While searching for a man who could directly demonstrate the reality of God, he came to Ramakrishna and became his disciple. As a guru, Ramakrishna taught him Advaita Vedanta (non-dualism) and that all religions are true, and service to man was the most effective worship of God. After the death of his Guru, Vivekananda became a wandering monk, touring the Indian subcontinent and getting first-hand knowledge of India's condition. He later sailed to Chicago and represented India as a delegate in the 1893 Parliament of World Religions. An eloquent speaker, Vivekananda was invited to several forums in the United States and spoke at universities and clubs. He conducted hundreds of public and private lectures and classes, disseminating Vedanta and Yoga in America, England and a few other countries in Europe. He also established the Vedanta societies in America and England. Later he sailed back to India and in 1897 founded the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, a philanthropic and spiritual organization.

Kiran Bedi

Kiran Bedi (born 9 June 1949) is an Indian social activist and a retired Indian Police Service (IPS) officer. She became the first woman to join the IPS in 1972, and most recently held the post of Director General, BPR&D (Bureau of Police Research and Development), Ministry of Home Affairs. She retired from the IPS in December, 2007, after taking voluntary retirement. She was the host and TV judge of the popular TV series "Aap Ki Kachehri" (English, "Your Court"), broadcast on the Indian TV channel, Star Plus. This program features Indian families approaching her TV court and explaining their problems to her. She then offers legal advice and monetary help to solve the problem. This program is classified as an EDUtainment program, as it attempts to simplify and explain legal procedures and Indian law to the viewers.
She has also founded two NGOs in India: Navjyoti for welfare and preventive policing in 1987 and the India Vision Foundation for prison reformation, drug abuse prevention and child welfare in 1994. She is one of the winners of the 2011 Bharatiya Manavata Vikas Puraskar.

Early life

Kiran Bedi was born in Amritsar, Punjab, India. She is the second of the four daughters of Prakash Peshawaria and Prem Peshawaria.
She attended the Sacred Heart Convent School, Amritsar, where she joined the National Cadet Corps (NCC). She took up tennis, a passion she inherited from her father, a tennis player. She won the Junior National Lawn Tennis Championship in 1966, the Asian Lawn Tennis Championship in 1972, and the All-India Interstate Women's Lawn Tennis Championship in 1976. In addition, she also won the All-Asian Tennis Championship, and won the Asian Ladies Title at the age of 22.
Later, she obtained her B.A. in English (Hons.) (1964–68) from the Government College for Women, Amritsar. She then earned a Master’s degree (1968–70) in Political Science from Punjab University, Chandigarh, graduating at the top of her class.


Even while in active service in the IPS, she pursued her educational goals, and obtained a Law degree (LLB) in 1988 from Delhi University, Delhi. In 1993, she obtained a Ph.D. in Social Sciences from the Department of Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, where the topic of her thesis was 'Drug Abuse and Domestic Violence'.
She began her career as a Lecturer in Political Science (1970–72) at Khalsa College for Women, Amritsar. In July 1972, she joined the Indian Police Service. Bedi joined the police service "because of her urge to be outstanding".
She served in a number of tough assignments ranging from New Delhi traffic postings, Deputy Inspector General of Police in insurgency prone Mizoram, Advisor to the Lieutenant Governor of Chandigarh, Director General of Narcotics Control Bureau, to a United Nations delegation, where she became the Civilian Police Advisor in United Nations peacekeeping operations. For her work in the UN, she was awarded a UN medal. She is popularly referred to as Crane Bedi for towing the Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's car for a parking violation, during the PM's tour of United States at the time.
Kiran Bedi influenced several decisions of the Indian Police Service, particularly in the areas of narcotics control, traffic management, and VIP security. During her stint as the Inspector General of Prisons, in Tihar Jail (Delhi) (1993–1995), she instituted a number of reforms in the management of the prison, and initiated a number of measures such as detoxification programs, yoga, vipassana meditation, redressing of complaints by prisoners and literacy programs. For this she won the 1994 Ramon Magsaysay Award, and the 'Jawaharlal Nehru Fellowship', to write about her work at Tihar Jail.
She was last appointed as Director General of India's Bureau of Police Research and Development.
In May 2005, she was awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Law in recognition of her “humanitarian approach to prison reforms and policing”.
On 27 November 2007, she had expressed her wish to voluntarily retire from the police force to undertake new challenges in life. On 25 December 2007, the Government of India agreed to relieve Bedi of her duties as Director General of the Bureau of Police Research and Development.
"Yes Madam, Sir", an award-winning, critically acclaimed film of Kiran Bedi's life, directed by Australian director, Megan Doneman, premiered as an official selection at the Toronto International Film Festival. It has yet to be released.
After retirement, Kiran Bedi launched a new website,, on January 3, 2007. The motto of this website is to help people whose complaints are not accepted by the local police. This project is undertaken by the non-profit, voluntary and non-government organization she founded, the India Vision Foundation.
Kiran Bedi also became host in 2009-10 on the TV show Aap Ki Kachehri Kiran Ke Saath on Star Plus.


Navjyoti (which literally means New Enlightenment), set up in 1987, and India Vision Foundation, set up in 1994, are the two major voluntary organizations established by her with the objectives of improving the condition of drug addicts and poor people. Her efforts have won national and international recognition, and her organizations were awarded the "Serge Soitiroff Memorial Award" for drug abuse prevention by the United Nations.
Her autobiography, 'I Dare. It's Always Possible', was released in 1998.

Personal life

Kiran Bedi married Brij Bedi in 1972, the year she started her career in the Indian Police Service (IPS), and three years later, in 1975, they had daughter Saina. Among her other three siblings, Shashi is an artist settled in Canada, Reeta is a clinical psyhcologist and writer, and Anu is a lawyer.Kiran Bedi's Daughter Saina is also involved in community service. She along with her husband Ruzbeh N. Bharucha, is producing short films and documentaries. Ruzbeh is a journalist by profession. He is an author of five books to date and his latest book and film Yamuna Gently Weeps, pertaining to demolition of Yamuna Pushta Slums in Delhi has been released and internationally acclaimed.


  • Its Always Possible: Kiran Bedi. Oct 1999, Indra Publishing.
  • "What Went Wrong?", collection of The fortnightly column written by Kiran Bedi.
  • The Motivating Bedi by Kiran Bedi.

Awards and Honours

Year of Award or HonorName of Award or HonorAwarding Organization
2010Star Parivar Award
2005Mother Teresa Memorial National AwardIndian Development Foundation (IDF)
2002Woman of the Year AwardBlue Drop Group Management, Cultural and Artistic Association, Italy.
1999Pride of India AwardAmerican Federation of Muslims of Indian Origin (AFMI)
1997Fourth Joseph Beuys AwardGermany
1995Lion of the Year
1995Father Machismo Humanitarian AwardDon Bosco Shrine Office, Bombay-India
1995Mahila Shiromani Award
1994Magsaysay AwardRamon Magsaysay Award Foundation
1991Asia Region Award for Drug Prevention and ControlInternational Organisation of Good Templars (IOGT), Norway
1981Women of the Year AwardNational Solidarity Weekly, India
1979President’s Gallantry AwardPresident of India


Brahmos is a supersonic cruise missile that can be launched from submarines, ships, aircraft or land. It is a joint venture between Republic of India's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO-Bangalore) and Russian Federation's NPO Mashinostroeyenia who have together formed BrahMos Aerospace Private Limited. It is the world's fastest cruise missile in operation.
The name BrahMos is a portmanteau formed from the names of two rivers, the Brahmaputra of India and the Moskva of Russia. The missile travels at speeds of Mach 2.8 to 3.0. It is about three-and-a-half times faster than the USA's subsonic Harpoon cruise missile. An Air launched variant is also planned which is expected to come out in 2012 and will make India the only country with supersonic missiles in all the defence forces. A hypersonic version of the missile is also presently under development (Lab Tested with 5.26 Mach Speed).
Though India had wanted the BrahMos to be based on a mid range cruise missile, namely P-700 Granit, instead Russia opted for the shorter range sister of the missile, P-800 Oniks, in order to comply with MTCR restrictions, to which Russia is a signatory. Its propulsion is based on the Russian missile, and guidance has been developed by BrahMos Corp. The missile is expected to reach a total order worth of US$13 billion

History and Development


The BrahMos has been developed as a joint venture between the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) of India and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise NPO Mashinostroyenia (NPOM) of Russia under BrahMos Aerospace. The missile is named after two rivers, the Brahmaputra and the Moskva.
Since late 2004, the missile has undergone several tests from variety of platforms including a land based test from the Pokhran range in the desert, in which the 'S' maneuver at Mach 2.8 was demonstrated for the Indian Army and a launch in which the land attack capability from sea was demonstrated.
Keltec, an Indian state owned firm was acquired by Brahmos Corporation in 2008. Approximately Indian Rupee ₹1,500 crore (US$333 million) will be invested in the facility to make Brahmos components and integrate the missile systems. This was necessitated by the increased order book of the missile system, with orders having been placed by both the Indian Army and Navy.


BrahMos claims to have the capability of attacking surface targets as low as 10 meters in altitude. It can gain a speed of Mach 2.8, and has a maximum range of 290 km. The ship-launched and land-based missiles can carry a 200 kg warhead, whereas the aircraft-launched variant (BrahMos A) can carry a 300 kg warhead. It has a two-stage propulsion system, with a solid-propellant rocket for initial acceleration and a liquid-fueled ramjet responsible for sustained supersonic cruise. Air-breathing ramjet propulsion is much more fuel-efficient than rocket propulsion, giving the BrahMos a longer range than a pure rocket-powered missile would achieve.
The high speed of the BrahMos likely gives it better target-penetration characteristics than lighter subsonic cruise-missiles such as the Tomahawk. Being twice as heavy and almost four times faster than the Tomahawk, the BrahMos has almost 32 times the initial kinetic energy of a Tomahawk missile (although it pays for this by having only 3/5 the payload and a fraction of the range despite weighing twice as much, suggesting a different tactical paradigm to achieve the objective).
Although BrahMos is primarily an anti-ship missile, it can also engage land based targets. It can be launched either in a vertical or inclined position and is capable of covering targets over a 360 degree horizon. The BrahMos missile has an identical configuration for land, sea, and sub-sea platforms. The air-launched version has a smaller booster and additional tail fins for added stability during launch. The BrahMos is currently being configured for aerial deployment with the Su-30MKI as its carrier. On September 5, 2010 BrahMos created a record for the first supersonic steep dive.


  • Ship launched, Anti-Ship variant (operational)
  • Ship launched, Land attack variant (operational)
  • Land launched, Land attack variant (operational)
  • Land launched, Anti-Ship variant (In induction, tested December 10, 2010)
  • Air launched, Anti-Ship variant (under development, expected completion 2012)
  • Air launched, Land attack variant (under development, expected completion 2012) 
  • Submarine launched, Anti-Ship variant (under development, expected completion 2011)
  • Submarine launched, Land attack variant (under development, expected completion 2011) 
  • BrahMos II land variant (Design completed, 4 variants ready to test in February 2011)